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  1. F

    setint - see a problem with this code?

    It seems that it must be wired properly since it was reading a high value of 252 on activation (when I was using the readadc command) and read 0 when not activated. The schematic is attached.
  2. F

    setint - see a problem with this code?

    I have a PIR sensor that goes high when motion is sensed. It is connected to pin 2 on my 18m2 chip. I have a pulldown resistor on pin 2 as well. I use the download cable and terminal for debugging. When I run the following code, the terminal displays "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...." and so on until motion...
  3. F

    laser transmission - 6.5 miles

    Very interesting experiments using a standard laser to transmit audio. The sample music that was sent 6.5 miles had pretty good quality. Very detailed descriptions and schematics...
  4. F

    external bypass to mosfet control

    I have a picaxe switching a load with a mosfet (1st schematic) it works fine. I need to add an external way to switch the load on, that is independent of the picaxe control. I am thinking of adding a diode and a switch as shown in the second schematic. Is this a good method or does anyone have...
  5. F

    reconfigure 18x pins input to output

    I was reading this post: To try to find out if I could change two input pins on the 18x to output pins. inputs 1 and 2 (pins 18 and 1) are the ones I need to reconfigure. Can that be done by accessing the Special...
  6. F

    standard protocol for stepper drivers?

    I've played around with making a stepper motor driver using an 08M chip. I set it up so that when the main picaxe (18X) sends a pulse to the 08M, it steps one time. For that application, it was fine to not have direction info also being sent to the 08m. Question is: What is the standard format...
  7. F

    Floating Mosfet Control?

    My circuit has a mosfet to switch a small fan on and off. The problem is that the fan will sometimes come on when the control wire is not connected. (My design requires it to be disconnected at times). I tried using a 100K and even a 33k resistor to pull down the pin on the mosfet but it will...
  8. F

    LCD, possessed by the devil?

    I have this LCD : Everything is connected and works fine. I have a 1000 ohm resistor between the LCD backlight power source (a picaxe output pin) and the LCD anode pin (pin 15). The backlight does come on. Trouble is, I disconnected the...
  9. F

    stepper cause damage to picaxe?

    Manual 3 shows diodes to protect the picaxe from motor induction currents. Is this only for effects that happen during normal operation? What if the stepper were rapidly spun by an external force? Would it act as a generator and cause more current than the diode could resist?
  10. F

    serial out as an output pin

    Is it possible to use the serial out pin for an output pin on the 18x? I know it is possible on the 08m using high and low commands.
  11. F

    stepper motor

    I am using a ULN2803 darlington array and a picaxe 08 to drive a stepper. I have managed to get it to turn but it seems like there is almost zero torque. Just lightly touching it with my finger will stop it. The motor was advertised as a 12v 1.8 degree step. The datasheet does not seem to have...
  12. F

    precision, gear reduction, stepper

    For my next project, I plan to build a camera panning head that is driven by a stepper motor. I would like to incorporate gear reduction in order to be able to turn the camera in very small precise increments, (around .01 degrees or smaller). When reading about gear motors and the like, I see...
  13. F

    Simple question- brushless motor

    I bought a small brushless computer fan (12 v .12 A) that I want to switch on and off with a picaxe output. I didn't know anything about Electronic Speed Control motors when I bought it and just want to run it at full speed when needed. Is there a simple way to switch it on and off (no PWM)...
  14. F

    limiting voltage in solar application

    My project is a solar powered time lapse camera that will be in a very warm environment (desert- lots of sun). I plan to have a cooling fan that is turned on /off by the picaxe (based on time of day read from real time clock). When the fan is on, it assumed there will be lots of sun and power...
  15. F

    on off switch under membrane

    I am working on putting my picaxe based project into a plastic enclosure. I plan on having the control buttons and on/off switch protrude about 1-2mm through holes in the top face, which will be covered with a printed membrane overlay. I have been searching for a few hours for a good on/off...
  16. F

    SD card continuous overwrite

    I am using an 18x to control a digital camera and take timelapse photos. I have been searching to see if there is some way to program an SD card to begin overwriting the oldest file once the storage capacity has been reached. Does anyone know if this is possible? Thank you.
  17. F

    drill file in proper format?

    Would someone be willing to take a peak at this short drill file data? It should be in RS 274X format. It is one of the conversion files I bought from ExpressPCB so that I can have my design in Gerber format. The other layers imported into Diptrace alright but this one gets an error message that...
  18. F

    power consumption

    I have a circuit I have been working on that has a picaxe 18X, a ds1307 clock, an LCD, an LCD driver (a PIC microcontroller). The LCD, LCD driver and the ds1307 only need supply voltage during the first minute or so of operation. After that, the picaxe switches off the supply to those parts to...
  19. F

    Newbie input/button query

    I have a problem that is relevant to this thread. I have 3 buttons in my circuit, as well as an lcd. (I am using an 18x picaxe chip) (see schematic) I am using readadc 0,b11 to get input. I used serout to display the value of b11 on the lcd. For example: when pressing one button, the...
  20. F

    ds1307 clock and i2c commun. prob

    I am trying out the ds1307 real time clock chip but after several hours I am having no luck. Could someone look over the attachments and tell me if you can spot the problem? I would greatly appreciate it. Note: The program is downloading successfully to the 18X picaxe chip (LED flashes during...