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  1. O

    AGAIN 28X1 hpwm and pwmout

    Hello, Can anyone explain Cleary if it is possible to get 2 REALLY independent ( with different period) PWMs on 28X1 which are running simultaneously using single mode HPWM and PWMOUT commands? I tried the following: Case 1: Setup: Hpwm 0,0,%1000,100,100 Pwmout 1,200,200 ;Pwmout 2,200,200 Only...
  2. O

    Fast bitshifting needed!!!

    Dear Pickaxes, I ‘m looking for the most efficient, (fast!) shift register algorithm for my nixie clock project. I ‘m using 28X1 and HV5812 20-bit shift register to multiplex 6 nixies. I need to shift 16 bits within 2 ms, 125us/bithift to avoid nixies flickering. The best what I've got so far...