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  1. D

    problems monitoring serin

    Hello, I am having problems monitoring the input from an xbee, everytime I put the line: serin 4, t2400, b1 in my code it seems to just stop at it and not go any further. For example in this code it will not loop through it just seems to stop... wait1: readadc 1, b10 serin 3, T2400, b13 if...
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    Using the LM331N voltage to frequency converter

    Hi, I am trying to use the LM331N voltage frequency converter as a frequency to voltage converter. In the data sheet it does show a schematic of how to do this. I have built it up and it does not seem to work. I am trying to read the frequencies coming from a headphone socket on an mp3 player...
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    OLEDS and animation

    Hi, I have just got an small oled display, the 4dsystems 96-G1, and have managed to get it going perfectly with thanks to this post.... I am now trying to move a square around the screen using potentiometers, this works fine but it flickers...
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    Problems with Xbee Connect board (axe210)

    Hi, I'm trying to get these boards to work with the XBee series 2 modules. I have got two of them all wired up and I am following the tutorials word for word but still seem to have problems. For the very first tutorial it tells you how to configure the XBees, it works fine for board A (the one...
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    Thermal Receipt Printer

    Does anyone know of a receipt printer that will work ok with a picaxe? Are they all quite similar and just work like an lcd screen? Cheers, Mike
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    Controlling seperate Picaxe chips with highs/lows on inputs/outputs

    I am trying to control seperate picaxe chips by simply feeding a high from an output of one chip to the input of the other chip. I thought that this was going to be really simple but for some reason it doesn't seem to work at all. I could do it easily enough by putting a relay in-between the...
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    Using a 8x8 LED matrix with MAX7219 and Picaxe 28x1

    Hi, I'm trying to control an 8x8 led matrix using the max7219 ( and a Picaxe 28x1. I am currently unable to make it control the matrix at all, right now half the leds are on and half are off and the picaxe seems to have zero effect on its...
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    Software freezes when downloading

    Hi, I have had the program editor working on my computer for about a year, but now it does not work. When I click to download new code the software freezes and the only way to close the program is to restart my computer. I have tried deleting and reinstalling the software but this hasnt fixed...
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    Playing Tracks on the Vmusic2 module with no pauses

    Hi, I am using the Vmusic2 module and I have got it playing the track ok. The way it works right now is that it reads the command in the code to play track 1 then immedietly after this I need a pause to allow the track to be played out in its entireity. This means that the program is suspended...
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    More than one interrupt using setint

    Hi, I'm trying to have more than one interrupt in my code, I have written what I thought to be the correct code, but only the first interrupt works (led1). Here is the code.... setint %00000100,%00001100 setint %00001000,%00001100 main: high 6 high 7 pause 60000 goto main interrupt...
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    Controlling volume on the Vmusic2 module

    I have got the picaxe 28x1 working with the Vmusic2 module but am having difficulties changing the volume. In the sample code given on this forum it suggests you use: hserout 0,("vwr",$0B,vol_right,vol_left,CR) where $00 = maximum volume,$FE is the minimum I have tried this but it comes...
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    Simple Ramp Up. Am I Being Stupid?

    Am I being stupid here? All I want is to have a function that coresponds to the following graph: The straight line cuts the axis at (0,140) and then carries on up to (150,200). Once the straight line has reached this upper point of (150,200) it then stays x value then stays at 200. I've...
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    Reading a serial value and making it an output value?

    Hi, I have a Picaxe 18x connected to a set of XBee wireless modules. One module is connected to a computer spitting out a value every 5 seconds, the other module is connected to a picaxe chip. I have it so the pic can pick up values from the Xbee connected to the computer but am confused...
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    Making the Picaxe WiFi

    Hi, I am looking to send data to a Picaxe chip wirelessly, is it possible to do this without using a laptop as the size is an issue? There will of course be a power supply for the device. The Picaxe will simply be out putting a pwmout value. I found these results when I searched the forum but I...
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    Leds flicker

    Hi, I have created a circuit that reacts to light. When the light levels increase a LED dims and another set of LEDs increase in brigtness. One set of LEDs are Luxeon stars with their specific driver. The other is a set of LEDs that I bought seperatly, a plant grow, which I have hacked into. I...
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    Strange code

    Hi I wonder if anyone can tell me why my code is mis-behaving. I have a light sensor controlling the brightness of some LED's. I am using the 28x1 chip because I need 2 pwm outputs. As the light dims the LEDs fade off but after they have faded off they then start flashing full brightness - I...
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    Resonator for Pic28x1

    I've just ventured into the land of the Pic28x1. I noticed it required a 4mhz resonator, so I bought one some from rapid (order code 90-0545) They only have 2 legs rather than three, will this be the reason for my download circuit not working? Does it need to have 3 legs?
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    Pic 18x 'freezes'

    I am using a pic18x with a sound sensor (mic and amp) to control both the brightness of leds as the noise increases as well as turning on 4 water pumps as the noise level increase. When I run the code for both the leds and the pumps seperetly it seems to run OK but when I combine the codes...
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    Using Luxeon LED Driver with Picaxe 08m

    I am trying to use Luxeon LEDs and their driver with the Pic 08m chip. pleae see I have connected the driver pins to the following: Led+ ........ led+ led- ........ led- ctl(0-5v)...
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    Using a Picaxe chip to turn mains voltage on and off

    Is there such a component that can safely turn mains voltage on and off using a Pic 08m chip. Is there such a relay reed switch or similar component that can handle these voltages?