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  1. M

    40X2 and pinsB

    I have a student using a 40X2 to control an LED cube ( He is using the whole of port B as outputs. If he writes dirsB = %00000000 pinsB = %10101010 the relevant bits of port B do not go high, however if he does.... low B.0 high B.1 low B.2 high B.3...
  2. M

    Internet Activated PICAXE Circuits

    Has anyone tried reading Twitter or an email address in order to activate their PICAXE circuit? I ordered my net server today, and won't get a chance to play until sometime next week. One student had the idea that a flag could be raised when he gets a new email........ TIA
  3. M

    28x1 PortA Reading

    I am having trouble reading the logic state of pins on PortA of a 28x1. I have managed to do... if PortA pin0 = 0 then b2 = 0 else b2 = 1 endif but what I would like to do is sdomething like this... b2 = PortA pin0 however I get a syntax error. Do I just need to stick with my first...
  4. M

    AQA Assembly Code

    I currently teach AQA A Level ELectronics. One of the units is "Programmable Control Systems" where we are using a 28X1 chip. One of my students has got his program working in BASIC however now needs to convert it into AQA Exam Board Assembly Code. He has managed lots already however we are...
  5. M

    Mobile Phone Detector

    This is a mobile phone sensor I build for my Y8s (12-13 year olds). It fits nicely onto a circular PCB. The BC547 does most of the work, and the PIC is just used to control the sensitivity, and how the circuit responds to being triggered. Before you ask, I desided the 3.5mm jack socket was too...
  6. M


    I am designing a sound to light system using an 8M. I would like to use the IR remote to change the colour or light sequence. When I use INFRAIN2, the whole program waits for a key press. What I would like to do is have my lights flashing to the beat, and keep polling the IR port to see if a...
  7. M

    Programming XBee

    I have built and successfully tested my XBee link. I want a PC->XBee link to eventually control a robot to demo to some of my pupils. As my own personal test I have written a program to read the input using serin and just output the same data using serout so that I know the 18X has received...
  8. M

    Error 5: Invalid procedure call or arguement

    I have a new PC and installed PicAxe on it. No no programs appart from a blank program will download to it. Everytime I press run, I get "Error 5: Invalid procedure call or arguement". These programs used to download. Does anyone know why not any more please?