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    text file to eeprom

    I you wantto use your programmer you need to read the device' manual to figure this out. You will also need to install the software needed for the programmer.
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    text file to eeprom

    You would either need an EEPROM programmer to do that or you could build your own EEPROM programmer with a PicAxe! The second option should be an easy and project to do with a PicAxe.
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    DY-SV17F MP3 Module

    I was hoping to avoid microSD due to the nightmares I still get with the DFPlayer mini - you need to have a compatible uSD card, most of the times my uSD cards end up really messed up. I know I can use USB on the DFPlayer, but I was hoping to move away from that module, too many clones are sold...
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    DY-SV17F MP3 Module

    Thanks for the tip Erco. I have been using those modules myself too with great results. Would be great if they would also support playing files from a USB flash drive instead of the onboard flash.
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    Serial Control PC Program

    How about you build one using an easy to learn and use language: Liberty Basic! It a great little language and very easy to learn, since it's basically Basic ;-)
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    Recommendations for wireless communication between two 18M2

    There are several options available. A standard 433MHz or 3.4GHz RF transmitter/receiver module should be able to do this job if you use a proper antenna. Take a look at the JDY-40, a 2.4GHz wireless "serial" link: You will find...
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    We Need a ChromeOS Picaxe Editor

    Great news Technical. I take it you use the WebSerial API for this. The WebUSB API will let you bypass the need for OS drivers and support code download on platforms such as android phones/tablets.
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    Feature request : 06 Dec 2023 : Allow simulator to send 'sertxd' and 'serout' data to a real COM port

    You could also loop the serial port and get the transmitted data back into the PC.
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    When does 'beta' turn to 'alpha' ?

    ...maybe because the product is dying and Rev-Ed will not put any resources into it anymore?
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    About Fritzing and Picaxe boards

    I have been using Fritzing since I dropped doing home-made PCB boards. It's easy to use and a great tool for up to 2 layer boards. You can also design custom shape PCB boards with it, which I think it's a great feature. Unfortunately, the Picaxe library is outdated but you can follow a few...
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    DesignSpark PCB Link not working.

    I have been using Fritzing for the last 4 years along with JLCPcb with great success for SMD boards. @Technical is Rev-Ed going to update the Picaxe library for Fritzing?
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    Picaxe 28x2 Autopilot for Snoopy's Trans-Atlantic Robot Boat

    How about this one then: You get 5 PCBs and also have holes to mount them securely.
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    Picaxe 28x2 Autopilot for Snoopy's Trans-Atlantic Robot Boat

    Robin, have a look at If you search for "solderable breadboard" you will find similar products to what Flenser has proposed.
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    Serial Communication Between Picaxe Chips

    You could try to use the rs-485 protocol which is designed for a bus topology using a master/slave model. There are modules in the Chinese market for rs485-to-ttl translation. You still use serial in/out on the picaxes but you need to implement the master/slave model in order to make sure that...
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    PicaxeCloud and android tablets

    Hello hippy. Yes, you could see it that way. If it solves your problem with the ftdi driver installation then definitely there is a business case for it. I don't know much about it either, I just used both APIs (WebSerial & WebAPI) for a project and it worked brilliantly. I remember seeing MS...
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    PicaxeCloud and android tablets

    Apparently, this is a proposal for Rev Ed and it would be great to have their feedback. Additionally, the same concept, using the WebUSB API, could be used for Win/Linux machines removing the need to install any drivers, which lately are the source of many headaches especially since the release...
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    PicaxeCloud and android tablets

    Hello all. I am experimenting lately with WebSerial and WebUSB APIs in order to get a Picaxe chip to communicate with a web application. My main target was to get a Picaxe talking over a usb-serial cable to the web application (running on an android mobile phone/tablet using chrome browser)...
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    First time user support please

    What cable are you using to connect to that board?
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    Motion Sensing in car security fobs. How?

    U3 looks like an accelerometer. That could be how it understands motion. Those are usually i2c devices, so getting a but pirate device or a cheap 8-channel usb type logic analyzer could help you even more identifying this chip.
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    LED Current Limiting Resistor Value

    Yes, you are right, 330 Ohm resistor might be a bit high, but it makes sense to protect the LED and not drive it at it's limits. This will extend the LED's life. Also, you need to consider that you need to protect the Picaxe's pin as well, which has a sink/source capability of 20mA, if you are...