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  1. M

    Diy Ups

    Hello again, I am looking at building a UPS to keep the network and a server running during "short" power failures, and ofcause safe shutdown, alarms, temperature monitoring, all the stuff that you dont get from a black box marked "UPS" :) My last UPS died out after 3 years service so I have...
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    I2C/1wire bus buffer

    I am building a 'small' network of picaxes and 1-wire sensors. The I2C parts are controlled with a 74HC4051 to give me 4 lines (4pins unused) that are seperated, both to keep noise in control, but also to avoid address collisions. The 1-wire part is connected to 4 pins on the picaxe, so they...
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    Cheap oscilloscope, logic probe and ttl serial

    Hope this is not too off-topic... If anyone is looking for a (very) basic scope or logic probe, the pickit2 programmer may be worth a look. Its a USB programmer for PICs (ie. not the picaxe ones, or you loose the bootloader). But it also contains a 3ch logic probe (2channels with pullup), a...
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    Garage parking sensor

    Mounted on the back of a garage to help indicate when the car is far enough (and yet not hit the wall). -Ofcause drivers still have to look themselves, not rely on the thingy always working. SYMBOL RANGE = 0 'Maxsonar EZ (Dont remember which of them, one with a narrow beam is probaly best)...
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    hsersetup with shared scratchpad

    Im looking for some advise on how to handle shared scratchpad between program data and hardware serial. First a copy from the manual ... I would like to use the scratchpad for some temporary data, but also use hardware serial, what would be the best way of doing that ? 1: Run the hserserup...
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    Radio rules

    To follow up on the other radio thread about aus. What rules are other countries using ? Denmark for starters is very restrictive for non-license holder and custom equipment (Sadly finished radio modules is custom)... These are the limits AFAIK 100mW at 2.4ghz with spread spectrum (ZigBee...
  7. M

    Problem with VDrive2

    With all the threads about 64MB+ space on the PICAXE, I ordered a vdrive to try it out, but the documentation is poor at best :/ I have hooked up the vdrive, but it just flashes red/green alternating for 2secsm pause, repeat, in the manual this is done "until monitor connects". The picaxe is...
  8. M

    Generate short circuit

    Hi, After spending some time with different platforms, I have a project where PICAXE seems a good solution. T-hansen in Denmark sells an "electronic launch system" for fireworks, which I want to make a better control box for (instead of the somewhat unreliable infrared one they provide) for...
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    Compile a "binary" ?

    In the future will it be possible to compile just a binary from the bas file ? So that you can send this binary to someone else that should not see the code, and they can program the picaxe from this ?
  10. M

    Prototype boards

    I am looking for some decent prototype boards for mostly 14-m and 20-m, but where to look besides the picaxe show, which has a very limited selection ? I would like (not everything has to be present on a surgestion) Battery plug DC adapter plug (with 7805) Room for terminals on some/all...
  11. M

    Boosting an analog signal

    I have a US module, that I would like to read using readADC, but its output is much too little for picaxe to detect changes precise enough. For the range I need it will output 0.2 - 0.5V, so I need to boost this x10, but also make sure picaxe dont get fried, since the sensor can (and will at...
  12. M

    PICAXE controlled window blinds

    Anyone know of projects controlling window blinds ? I dont know much about advantages in different motor solutions, my understanding is in () below. Servo(Will turn to a position, and offer readback of position) stepper(must be pulsed to move, very acurate) regular (apply power and it runs...
  13. M

    Range detector

    Any advise as to which range finder modules a picaxe can interface with directly ? Maybe some of the cheap ones from acroname ? I will mount it in a static place and it will monitor distances up to 2meters, minimum is not so important but...
  14. M

    Simplelan projects

    So what projects are on their way ? :) I have made a Ethernet controlled relay box,so I can control all the routers and stuff in the closet, and a led controller on its way. Other ideas. Temperature readings ofcause Remote LCD? fairly useless probaly Serial2Ethernet maybe I was thinking of...
  15. M

    Relay causes picaxe to reset

    Hi, I have a picaxe (28x1) connected to a relay board and simplelan. When the relays dont have any load it can turn on and off all relays without problems. When I connect a 20Watt lamp on one of the relays, the picaxe very often resets when it turns that relay on/off. I didnt make the rely...
  16. M

    SerIn with breadboard adapter ?

    Chip: 28X1 Editor: 5.1.4 Firmware: A.1 Supply: Regulated 4.5V Should serin work with the breadboard adapter? The resistor circuit looks the same, except for the added 180R on the tx line ? I have connected tx to the resistor, then to input 0. Out1 connected to output 0 (And jumper is set to...
  17. M

    serrxd problems - 28X1 internal resonator

    I am trying to readin 6bytes using serrxd with a qualifyer. It is almost working, but I have to send the data 2 times before anything happens, and the last few bits are wrong. I am using AiTerm to send the data "raw". %01110111 %11111111 %00000000 %11111111 %00000000 %11111111...
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    #input on 14-M

    Not sure if this is a bug, or just me not using inputs like I should, in the simulator the code below works fine with the 5input buttons, but on the real picaxe (Tried 3chips) inputs 0,1,2 is always 0. I tried tieing all inputs directly to supply (5Vdc), and only input 3 and 4 becomes 1. Seems...
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    Help with %masking

    I have 7bytes where I need to pick a few bits from each and combine to less bytes, is this possible with the %masking ? Right now I am using if, but the compiler says im 50bytes over limit :/ The 7 bytes are like this %01000100 I need to make 2 new bytes with the two ones, bit2 and 6 I think...
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    Have anyone gotten herserin to work with internal picaxe datacomm ? I tried the exsample from the datasheets, the test led flashes fine, and the 28x1 prints &quot;main: &quot; all the time, but nothing else happens. <code><pre><font size=2 face='Courier'> #picaxe 28x1 hsersetup B4800_8, %00...