Search results

  1. M

    PM 2.5/10 Particle sensor

    Hello, Has anyone had experience of interfacing a PICAXE to the Honeywell particle sensor described in the following link? The specification also looks very similar to the Nova Fitness Model SDS021. These relatively low cost laser...
  2. M

    Repeater using HC-12 UHF module

    I am attempting to increase the range of a telemetry link by using a radio repeater. The HC-12 based environmental monitoring module is designed to operate for a year from 4 AA batteries. This is easily achieved by powering down the sensors and the HC-12, and allowing the PICAXE to sleep between...
  3. M

    High speed sampling technique

    This is a good introduction to using PICs for sampling repetitive waveforms...
  4. M

    ASCII BEL command

    I'm having trouble trying to get an serial terminal emulator to sound a bell. It does not seem possible to send BEL (or HEX 7) in the same way as the CR or LF commands. There is a BlueTooth link between a PICAXE and a tablet running a terminal emulator, but this app seems to respond as expected...
  5. M

    How to detect hibernating hedgehogs

    Having recently purchased a hedgehog hibernation box, and mounted it in the garden, I am now at a loss about how to tell when it is occupied. Initial thoughts about installing a PICAXE based wireless telemetry unit drew a blank when I realised that during hibernation hedgehogs drop their...
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    Extending range of l2C

    There are often posts asking advice about extending the range of IC2 . The following new device converts lC2 to 1wire in order to extend the range to over 100 metres...
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    Unable to send private message

    Because I keep getting this message "You have reached your stored private message quota and cannot send any further messages until space has been created." Does anyone know how this space is created?
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    SERVO magazine PICAXE article

    Just a heads-up that the US based magazine 'SERVO' has published an article about using the PICAXE for robotics. The link is....
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    Plug-board friendly diagnostics tool/display

    This DIL format device looks like it could be a great plug-in diagnostics tool for PICAXE development. Just try to forget its Arduino based and use the planned library of analog and digital display...
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    Suitability for High Altitude Ballooning

    Having successfully used the PICAXE for a number of model aircraft and rocketry projects it seemed logical to continue this approach when starting on a high altitude balloon (HAB) payload. However, on visiting I was surprised at the dismissive comments about the PICAXE, with...
  11. M

    Problem installing Editor 6

    When trying to install Editor 6 on a Windows t PC I'm getting the following message "ERROR 1310. error writing to file. Syncfusion. shared. base.dll." Would welcome any advice on how to proceed. Thanks.
  12. M

    Replacement for StampPlot

    There have been quite a few mentions of the StampPlot Pro serial control and plotting application on this forum. On visiting the Selmaware site recently I was directed to its replacement MakerPlot seems to offer a number of improvements, including extensive...
  13. M

    Multiple terminal windows

    I am working on a project that uses three bi-directional serial ports and currently use one PC (old laptops) to monitor each using the Editor's terminal facility, but this arrangement is a bit unwieldy and uses a lot of bench space. It would be great if multiple terminal windows could be opened...
  14. M

    How to request data from GPS010?

    The documentation supplied with the GPS010 board covers a PICAXE accepting data that are automatically broadcast by the uBlock GPS receiver once per second. Even though example code demonstrates how to set-up the receiver to broadcast only one type of sentence, this mode of operation can still...
  15. M

    Lightning Sensorr Module

    Here's an interesting module to add to all those PICAXE based weather stations out there. The module employs a single-chip device that receives and identifies rf from lighting strikes and makes a whole lot of...
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    GPS010 operating modes

    I recently purchased the uBlox-6 breakout board (GPS101) and it was very easy to get up and running using the example code supplied by Rev-Ed. The active antenna is able to achieve lock indoors and I even had to place it in a almost closed metal cabinet before it would drop-out. Altogether a...
  17. M

    OT, Basic for Android

    Make those dirt cheap Android devices do more interesting things! This free Basic supports a wide range of interfaces including touch/graphics, bluetooth, SMS and camera. Documentation looks good...
  18. M

    How to disable unwanted sentences from GPS010?

    I have a GPS010 breakout board on order and trying to prepare code based on the 'EXAMPLE1' documentation provided by Rev-Ed but am having trouble understanding this information. For example, why is it necessary to drop the baud rate to 4800 in order to "allow subsequent 'serin' commands to...
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    RF Direction Finding

    It might be possible to replace the electronics used by this sound card based direction finding system with a PICAXE. Could be an interesting project.
  20. M

    Range of compatible modules?

    The introduction of the GPS010 and RF1021 modules and supporting interface code should not only lead to an increase in the popularity of the PICAXE but also represent good standalone opportunities. After all, SparFun has been successfully selling modules and simple breakout boards for some time...