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  1. M

    Picaxe & Xbee

    Hi, I am trying to enter command mode on a XBee module using the hserout command - with no success. I am using the following code: hSerSetup B2400_4, %00 'foreground receive pause 5000 'put dummy data into scratchpad put 0, "#","#","#","#" ptr = 0 hserptr = 0 b0 = 0 get_RF_id: inc b0...
  2. M

    hserout problems

    I am trying to get comms via hserout & hserin. code snippet: hserin [990,main],0,8 ‘ receive 8 bytes into scratchpad ptr = 0 ‘ reset sp pointer 'echo out input hserout 0,(@ptrinc,@ptrinc,@ptrinc,@ptrinc,@ptrinc,@ptrinc,@ptrinc,@ptr) this works fine - I get back what I send. Interestingly, if...
  3. M

    Uncalled pin going high

    My first project with a picaxe. I am trying to switch a DPDT relay (via a mosfet) to control a latching solenoid. This is a remote station interfaced back to my PC via a XBee pro. The switching seem to operating OK except when opening the solenoid, then, the sleep pin (pin 1, leg22 on 28x1)...