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  1. F

    Call to SIM 900

    Hi hippy, About my lasr remark: I had used a "goto" instead of a "gosub". torben
  2. F

    Call to SIM 900

    Hi hippy, Thank you.. Your pgm is more sophisticated than mine and I am still studying it. My fiddling resulted in the following: if b14 = "#" then 'send msg to phone hSerOut 0, (...
  3. F

    Call to SIM 900

    Hi hippy, I am not sure if you got this: Thank you very much for your pgm. I ran it with the following result: Init > AT[0D] Echo < AT[0D][0D][0A]OK[0D][0A] Init > AT+CREG?[0D] Echo < AT[0D][0D][0A]+CREG:[20]0,1[0D][0A][0D][0A]OK[0D][0A] Init > AT+CPIN?[0D] Echo <...
  4. F

    Call to SIM 900

    Hi hippy, I have fiddled with the pauses in the attached pgm and it sent 10 correct mails. But I do not know what is going on. Besr regards torben
  5. F

    Call to SIM 900

    Hi hippy, Here is the actual pgm. torben
  6. F

    Call to SIM 900

    Hi hippy, I should mention that the numbers given for ptr and hSerPtr fit the actual listings. torben
  7. F

    Call to SIM 900

    Hi hippy, One hint: 1st phone call scratch pad: *Phone 87 147 Rx 65 "A" Rx 84 "T" Rx 43 "+" Rx 67 "C" Rx 77 "M" Rx 71 "G" Rx 83 "S" Rx 61 "=" Rx 34 """ Rx 43 "+" Rx 52 "4" Rx 53 "5" - - - - Rx 97 "a" Rx 105 "i"...
  8. F

    Call to SIM 900

    Hi PieM, I have tried in a pgm testing the phone routine: gosub Phone gosub CheckPH gosub Phone gosub CheckPH The phone is OK now, but the CheckPH echos +CMGS12.....OK (no AT). The problem is, that Check does not contain AT+CMGS but AT+CMGR=1. And that does not show up. And I have to use...
  9. F

    Call to SIM 900

    Hi PieM, But I found out I have 3 amp from my wall wart. So I am still looking for an explanation. torben
  10. F

    Call to SIM 900

    Hi hippy, PieM, inglewoodpete and PhilHornby, The problem appears to have been power supply. I took the power for the Picaxe28X2 from an outlet on the SIM900. Both sending and supplying the 28X2 was too much, so now the 28X2 has it's own power supply. I am sorry to have wasted so much of your...
  11. F

    Call to SIM 900

    Hi hippy, I am confused. I have a pgm with two identical subroutines: Phone1 and Phone2. When I run the pgm: gosub Phone1 pause 3000 gosub phone2 I only receive one SMS, namely that sent by Phone2. The scratchpad for Phone1 ends: Rx 26 "[1A]" Rx 10 "" Rx 13 " " Rx 10...
  12. F

    Call to SIM 900

    Hi hippy, You are right. Thank you very much. PieM, same thing. I have made a pgm with 3 consecutive sms: hSerOut 0, ( "AT+CMGS=",$22,"+",#b4,#b5,#b6,#b7,#b8,#b9,#b10,#b11,#b12,#b13,$22,cr,"Pilot pot wet - send H, A - or wait",$1A) gosub EndATcommand pause 6000 The first one is OK...
  13. F

    Call to SIM 900

    Hi, I should mention that I split the at command because I need the space it saves me. torben
  14. F

    Call to SIM 900

    Hi hippy, Here is the result of running your routine: *Phone 97 138 : $41 65 "A" 98 138 : $54 84 "T" 99 138 : $2B 43 "+" 100 138 : $43 67 "C" 101 138 : $4D 77 "M" 102 138 : $47 71 "G" 103 138 : $53 83 "S" 104 138 : $3D 61 "=" 105 138 : $22 34 """ 106 138 : $2B 43 "+" 107 138 : $04 4 108 138 ...
  15. F

    Call to SIM 900

    Hi Sorry about the delay - hard- and software problems. Here is what I have: hSerOut 0, ( "AT+CMGS=",$22,"+",b4,b5,b6,b7,b8,b9,b10,b11,b12,b13,$22,cr) hSerOut 0, ( "Pilot pot wet - send P, H or wait",$1A ) gosub EndATcommand EndATcommand: pause 200 sertxd (#ptr," ",#hSerPtr,cr,lf)...
  16. F

    Call to SIM 900

    Hi, I have: hSerOut 0, ( "AT+CMGS=",$22,"+",b4,b5,b6,b7,b8,b9,b10,b11,b12,b13,$22,cr,"Pilot pot wet - send P, H or wait",$1A ) pause 200 sertxd (#ptr," ",#hSerPtr,cr,lf) do while ptr <> hSerPtr sertxd (#ptr," ",#hSerPtr,cr,lf) b0 = @ptrInc SerTxd ( "Rx", tab, #b0, tab, $22, b0, $22, cr,lf )...
  17. F


    Hi hippy, This is what I had: Send SMS number now or wait... I get a lot of (unsolicited) +MTI data ending with the character string I entered (4581113456) AT+CMGF=1 OK AT+CMGL = ALL OK I have changed it to: Send SMS number now or wait... I get a lot of (unsolicited) +MTI data ending with...
  18. F


    Hi hippy, I got a message on my IPHONE telling me to take the SIM-card out and set it in again. Now the answer to the message is: Enter the string to be sent 114 177 * these 2 are strange but 177 is the beginning of the command 115 197 * these 2 are strange but 197 is the end of the command Rx...
  19. F


    Hi hippy, I must be blind. The phone company says that 74 SMS have been received and delivered to the recepient, Best regards torben
  20. F


    Hi hippy, please find below a piece of code with its accompanying ouitput: [CODE #PICAXE 28X2 #Terminal 19200 #No_table #No_data pause 2000 PowerOnReset: setfreq m16 SerTxd( Cr, LF, "Started PowerOnReset", CR, LF ) hSerSetup B115200_16,%001 sertxd (#ptr," ",#hSerPtr,cr,lf) hSerOut 0, (...