Search results for query: MCP4725

  1. E

    MCP4720 DAC

    Please try here; Search results for query: MCP4725 | PICAXE Forum
  2. B

    MCP4720 DAC

    Hello: anyone here used an MCP4725 DAC? I need a good DAC I can update every few minutes while the 28x2 PICAXE does other things. Thanks
  3. Technoman

    Pb avec dac mcp4725

    Bonjour, Oops pour l'erreur (0xB0). En hexa %11000000 = 0xC0 Voir aussi : Vous ne dites rien de la partie matérielle : est-ce avec le circuit intégré sur une platine...
  4. Technoman

    Pb avec dac mcp4725

    Bonjour, L'adresse utilisée par l'exemple ci-dessous est différente, car l'adresse est sur 7bits (bit1 à bit7), le bit 0 indique la lecture ou l'écriture, ce qui donne 0xB0 à partir de 0x60 :
  5. P

    Pb avec dac mcp4725

    Bonjour, Je fais un petit test avec un dac mcp4725 mais celui-ci refuse de sortir une quelconque tension analogique :mad: Un scanner picaxe i2c me confirme bien l'adresse 0x60 et un test avec un arduino est OK !!! Y a t'il une erreur dans le code que je ne voie pas ? #picaxe 14m2 HI2cSetup...
  6. hippy

    MCP4725 12 bit i2c DAC problem, w2 ReadAdc10 pin, w3 ReadAdc10 pin, w4 w0 = w1 + w2 + w3 + w4 * 16 Then send the 'w0' value to the DAC. Added : But looking at the MCP4725 datasheet it seems the 12-bits are sent as lsb aligned. So to make a 10-bit READADC10 value 12-bit compatible you should either send it as it is...
  7. E

    MCP4725 12 bit i2c DAC problem

    Hi, I am using a pair of MCP4725 12 bit DACs, which are being driven from calculations in a 40x2, I am using the standard readadc10 commands, I have 3 ADC channels being used, and I am getting myself into all sorts of arithmetical mischief. It appears that the X2 ADCs read into the lowest bits...
  8. S

    MCP4725 12 bit i2c DAC problem

    Having troubles trying to get the dac to generate an output voltage with the schematic and code as posted. The address code for the MCP4725 is 11000000 from the data sheet Basically just trying to take the adc reading from c.4 write the value to eeprom location 0 generate the analog value...
  9. Pongo

    Anyone used the MCP4725 or TLC5615 DAC?

    I found one very old thread that's hard to follow without the images, and a couple of mentions of the MCP4725P Digital to Analog converter, but no recent posts. Has anyone made this chip work, hopefully with a 20X2? Failing that does anyone have code for the TLC5615?
  10. K

    Mcp4725 I2c Dac

    ...20 serout 7,t9600_8,(LCD_CMD,line1,"Signal In ") serout 7,t9600_8,(LCD_CMD,line2,"Signal Out ") pause 50 main: readadc 0,b0 ' 'MCP4725 I2C DAC 'Address %11000000 ($C0) 'Mode: Write DAC (C2,C1,C0) -> 0,1,0 (Do not update EEPROM) ' '12-bit 'ADDRESS '1st Byte %11000000 '2nd Byte...