Recent content by tom91

  1. T

    L239E problems

    I'm trying to use an 18A and a L293E chip to control a bipolar stepper motor. I wanted to use a L293D but the local electronics shop only had the E version. It has 4 extra pins, 'sense' lines for each input output. I currently have it wired as per the L293D in the picaxe manual, with the extra...
  2. T

    Using PICAXE to pause live radio via PC

    I currently have a basic PICAXE 'room control' systems set up that has a IR beam across the door to detect entry and exit. What I would really like to do is have a serial link to a dedicated PC to pause live radio. The audio would be fed into the PC's Line in. What I have been unable to find is...
  3. T

    Sending keystrokes from PICAXE to PS2 input

    I'm looking to build something similar to this: albeit not as advanced or complex. In order to control the simulator (Kuju Rail Simulator or Microsoft Tran Sim) I need to be able to send 'keystrokes' to the computer from a PICAXE. I know a PICAXE...