Recent content by rigidigital

  1. R

    Benefit to using Raspberry Pi along with Picaxe board

    I bought the raspberry pi to use as a media server but changed my mind so i decided to make a robot ! I'm not sure if i can control H-Bridge motor controllers directly from the Pi ? and sensors ? I have got a pixaxe experimenters board I could add in. The chassis I'm building could have...
  2. R

    need a website to order a few switches from....

    Hi, I am just in need of some kind of switch that will close when it bumps into something. Its for a robot chasxsis and im not fussed what sort of switch, ive been going throughh some websites and i surley must have missed them !!!!! :(
  3. R

    H-bridge motor controllers and encoders is all aramaic to me :)

    You can call me rigidigital or Whiteoxe, I have no idea why I called myself whiteoxe :) I am struggling to find out how to use a H-bridge motor controller and an encoder. The idea is to drive two contiuos servo motors on a home made chassis. Ill have the wheels and chassis done in nless than...
  4. R

    I need help on buying wireless transmission....

    you have a keen eye Goeytex , that seller seems to be confusing. as you said you'd be bidding on two units but you can make an offer as i did, he accepted my offer but complained he wasnt making more than two dollars out of the deal, Here is another link...
  5. R

    Starting Robots.

    Ive just begun looking at a couple of options to get started in robotics and I want to share in case any of you have advice. I have looked at the Extreme Snap Circuits kits but from what i see it ends up expensive making a robot from that type of kit. There is the 120 Bot with a picaxe 20X2...
  6. R

    Old computers and a bit about AI

    Hi, Ive been looking into robotics for about 3 hours now :) Never considered it before !! It is more exciting than I’d realised, but also quite expensive. I suppose that would keep a lot of people out of the hobby but i think i will persevere. I have looked at Lego Mindstorm, which looks...
  7. R

    I need help on buying wireless transmission....

    If you could look at this page ---> I want to buy two of thses units. One will be connected to my computer thje other will be about 15 meters away. They will have to send and also recieve data. I find the number of options confusing . So if you...
  8. R

    Old computers and a bit about AI

    HI, I think this thread should be in a general discussion forum but there ain't one...... Ive purchased an old commodore 64(is there any other type :) I like colleging but also i am loking forwards to using its serial port to use with a picaxe. Robots and AI.--> I saw a demo where the...
  9. R

    Impressed by Parallax and also picaxe

    I love all the education you get at the other site. Are there any teaching books like those parallax people available to picaxe people ? but dam their products,chips ect are not cheap :(
  10. R

    How fast is wind ?

    yes, a silly title but i wanted to get attention :) I need advice on a couple of issues. First I can't remember which electronic stores i used in the past(its been ages) except for Little bird Electronics, Wiltronics (Australia) There was one I used somewhere in Asia that was cheap[, terrific...
  11. R

    what are a couple of best stores to order in australia

    its been ages since i purchased picaxe products. I hsve used a few stores. im having brain freeze, can you suggest a store or two for me ? thanks
  12. R

    Pirate radio. ;)

    For my son starting boarding school next year! We have only built a kit from jaycar before. It had trouble reaching to the other end of the house. Its his idea to have a secret station at school. I think the simplest way is to buy an fm transmitter off a ebay, they seem to range from fifty...
  13. R

    Propeller , Basic Stamp and Picaxe why :)

    I have a little bit of knowledge so I guess that makes me dangerous ! I never really looked at the basic stamp simply because I was turned off as soon as I saw it's cost $$$ compared to the few dollars for the picaxe and prop. I guess the basic stamp is popular in part because of all the...
  14. R

    can i hack keyboard for

    Could I hack a spare wireless keyboard(it is Laser sub $20) to toggle switch some flight controls. and what type of toggle switch would simulate a keypress when turned off or on ?
  15. R

    Whats the big deal about getting microcontrollers communicating

    Hi there, this question is because I have been using the parallax propellor , a multicore chip communicating with each other. My fav chip is the picaxe but there have been numerous posts about getting the prop chips communicatng. I have done this using serial. Maybe I should have posted this on...