Recent content by ramasule

  1. R

    Math operations and help please

    I have a formula which is y = 27.003(x)EXPONENT-1.1001 x are values from 2.5v to .5v on the adc channel I am looking for help on how to convert this into a usuable pixace operation. Thank you for your time, Derek L
  2. R

    LM75A Temperature I2C

    The following is a overview of the LM75A. Picaxeforum helped me with the code so I see it only fair to put this back into picaxe forum for others. The chip is fairly easy to use as the MSB from register 0 is the temp. Getting Started Datasheet...
  3. R

    Quick Link for serial commands please

    Anyone have a bookmarked link for Serial commands? Like SerTxd ("hello", 13,10) Thanks Derek L
  4. R

    lm75a temperature conversion

    Ive been reading up on readtemp12 and the threads associated with it. is the main one I found The LM75a uses i2c and has the following Datasheet Excerpt The Temperature register...
  5. R

    I2C and the lm75a

    DataSheet,IC%20chips/DC-SS008.pdf this is my first I2C and I cant quite figure out how to read/write to it i2cslave %1001000, i2cfast, i2cword 'is my frist line then im unsure how to read and where from readi2c 0, (w0) didnt work I found this site...
  6. R

    quick lcd what the hell am i doing wrong

    I have the code from but i cant seem to get it to work. When I scope the clock signal it looks spastic Iam also using a 4148 for the diode but that shouldnt mater. The chip is an 18x. Thank you for your time, Derek...