Recent content by OrionBot

  1. O

    Picaxe Wireless Intercom

    Seems like this shouldn't be that difficult, so I was a litle surprised when I didn't see a post on this already. I need to build a wireless intercom system. Simple push-button to talk, two station system with range of 20-30 meters with moderate obstructions is what I envision. Would need...
  2. O

    IMU and Picaxe

    I want to build a Picaxe based Drone, but I have my doubts that the Picaxe can adequately process the IMU data. Has anyone used Picaxe to process IMU data for attitude control of a robot? Would appreciate a code example and info about the hardware you used. Thanks
  3. O

    Picaxe Programming Editor Installation

    I am having difficulty installing the editor on my Windows XP (Home edition) laptop. I am getting error 1335 partway thru the installation. The error message references a file '' that can't be found and is required for installation. Has anyone seen this error? How can I fix it? Thanks