Recent content by markhommer

  1. M

    14M readadc

    I am using a picaxe 14M. I am needing two adc's for my project. I am using the ADC 4 (on physical leg 3) and this one is working. But I have tried using ADC 0 (on physical leg 7) but I get the following compile error message "Error pin0 cannot be used with this command", where my command is...
  2. M

    Devantech Ranging Sensor

    I have tried to interface an "older" Devantech SRF04 Sonar sensor to a Picaxe 08M and I can't get it to work. I have read that the SRF04 sensors made after May 2003 have had a firmware revision. When the "do not connect" pin is connected to ground (0v), the timing is changed...
  3. M

    Using pwmout with serin command

    I'm new to the picaxe. Here's my application: I'm using a 08M to send a serial command to another 08M to control the brightness of an led. The brightness of the LED is controlled by varying the duty cycle of a pwmout command. The problem that I am having is the pwmout command appears to be...