Recent content by louislouis

  1. L

    Makita drill Picaxed

    Hello all, here is my small picaxe project. Recovery of a 20 year old 7,2V Makita drill. First I replaced the old Nicads to 5Ah LiPo cells (two in series), then try to make a PWM speed controller with 08M2. First challenge been how to put them all together because there is not enough place. I...
  2. L

    adc reading

    Hello, I have a little trouble with ADC math on 08M2. I hooked up a linear Hall sensor on C.4 and the value is red with READADC10 4,W0 The reading is between 950 to 50. The reading value if i put closer the magnetic field decrease from 950 to 50 on W0 Thats OK, but I want to change the...
  3. L

    16x1 lcd display custom characters

    Hello, I want to try display custom character (empty bat sign) on 16x1 lcd. I work on wireless thermometer, measure actual outside temp, read and store min, max temp. calculate average temp, check outside battery level etc. All working fine, but I have problem with displaying some custom...
  4. L

    16x1 lcd two wire setup problem

    Hello, I have a problem with correct initialization and displaying characters on 16x1 lcd. I use two wire setup 74ls164 shift register and PICAXE 08M2. The display driver chip is HD44780A00. If I try to send to the lcd "testtesttesttest" display show only first eight letters like "testtest" Can...
  5. L

    Picaxe 08M2 countdown timer

    Hi guys, I'm new on the forum, and also an PICAXE novice. I needed a simple 0 to 99 sec. countdown timer. So, I try to do this with picaxe. I use PICAXE 08M2, two common cathode seven segment display and two serial shift registers 74HC595. Also I use PIN C.3 like output with simple NPN...