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    • G
      GAP replied to the thread Pinout explanation.
      Here is a link to a blog page where I have sort of describes where I am at with the GUI. feel free to use it as you see fit but if you...
    • G
      GAP replied to the thread Pinout explanation.
      To avoid any issues with connecting 2 USB power supplies together, evidently the PC can sometimes power the Ender display even when it...
    • G
      GAP replied to the thread Pinout explanation.
      I did read somewhere that connecting a PC directly to the printer can lead to overheating on big jobs because the PC is constantly...
    • G
      GAP replied to the thread Pinout explanation.
      I use a program called Octoprint, it is running on 2 old Raspberry pi's that are connected via ethernet switch to my hobby laptop. I...
    • G
      GAP replied to the thread Pinout explanation.
      There is no way I could have written the codes I am going to use. I have a program for flashing crossing lights and servo controlled...
    • G
      GAP replied to the thread Pinout explanation.
      This is the blog I have not written anything about the GUI signals, sensors or points yet...
    • G
      GAP replied to the thread Pinout explanation.
      "I think in this case the OP should just use wires. There is too much work involved in designing and building wireless devices. He wants...
    • G
      GAP replied to the thread Pinout explanation.
      Thanks for the link to the french forum I translated it and I might have a play with it. I couldn't find the Picaxe blogs archive so I...
    • G
      GAP replied to the thread Pinout explanation.
      OK so many suggestions that my head is now spinning. The idea of using Thonny (I had to google it to find out what it is) is appealing...
    • G
      GAP replied to the thread Pinout explanation.
      The microswitch idea was looked at but unfortunately the flange depth on my locos and rolling stock are not consistent (different...
    • G
      GAP replied to the thread Pinout explanation.
      This is the other detection method that I am considering, a bit more work but I am not sure of what inputs to the picaxe to use...
    • G
      I just looked at the DPScope website and and got this message " Note: I am no longer selling these scopes and kits. No plans to resume...
    • G
      GAP replied to the thread Pinout explanation.
      thank you for that I might use 2 40X2s with some of the second one being for the points position display. What do I have to put into the...
    • G
      I am looking at the Picaxe 40X2 pinout diagram and am not sure what I am looking at. I want to input a level from 20 LDRs and output...
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