Recent content by cheesemo27

  1. C

    Help with programming and circuit design

    I am using a program called proteus to test that my picaxe coding works when you load it into the microcontroller, i used picaxe programming editor and the code is correct and works on the simulator but when i loaded the code into the same chip on proteus it don't work. I have attached the...
  2. C

    Traffic Lights System

    Am doing a traffic lights system for ma project on my HND Electronics got my design but a was wanting to use a PLD and use coding on a micro controller is there any chips that could be recommended to get, the software that am using is Picaxe for the coding. what would be the pld to use aswell...
  3. C

    Traffic Lights coding for 28x1/40x1 chip

    does anyone have the coding for a 3 way traffic lights system with pedestrian button, got one set and the push button for the crossing working but can't get the other 2 sets work can anyone help.