Recent content by calvinsykes

  1. C

    Speed difference of PICAXE BASIC vs native code

    I've received an unusual Christmas present of a big bag of LEDs - my old school managed to order 1000 3mm ones when they wanted 5mm ones, and the teacher very kindly said I could have them! I thought I might have a go at building an LED cube like this one, but ideally would swap out the AVR...
  2. C

    Diode on pin C.3 for serin

    Quick question: Manual 2's serin page states: Am I correct in assuming this is still true for the M2 parts? Ta, Calvin
  3. C

    Transistor Troubles!

    I'm trying to drive a BJT using a 5v signal supplied by a PICAXE. The transistor is switching a voltage of 6-8.4V, and I need as close to that Vcc on the output as is possible (this must drive an IRF530 to saturation, so needs to be as high as possible). Would appreciate some hints on the best...
  4. C

    High-Sided N-Channel FET Switching

    You can't do it easily, I know. But unless anyone knows of a TO-220 packaged P-Channel that can pass 10A, it's the only solution I have. The application is essentially to make a giant L293D bi-directional motor controller. The FETs I have available are IRF530s. They have a threshold voltage of...
  5. C

    PICAXE LiPo voltage monitor

    Having realised that LiPo batteries are probably the best choice for my project, I've been doing some reading and have seen the dire warnings about overdischarging them. As such, I'm looking into building a low-voltage warning system into my existing circuit (which is based around a PICAXE-14M)...
  6. C

    Strange servo issue

    The circuits/diagrams i posted in this thread a while back have now been fabricated and I'm experiencing a strange problem whereby the PICAXE (a 14m) seems to 'hang' whenever it executes a servo command. The problem was not observed when the circuit was on a breadboard, and the code has not...
  7. C

    Radio Control - first go!

    A first draft for a radio control, see what you think ;) Transmitter: init: 'set up symbols so i can remember what means what symbol servo_pending = b1 'variables i'll use later, just giving them nicer names symbol thrust_pending = b2 'they keep track of what commands I need to send...
  8. C

    Serial, Wireless etc. Questions

    I'm trying to get two 14Ms to talk over a 433Mhz radio link. I know the radio link is working because there's an LED on the reciever side that blinks in time with one on the transmitter side. If I don't include a check for a qualifier in the reciever code, I see random gibberish; if I do, the...