PICAXE X2 range released.


Senior Member
nbw: That breadboard pin up girl pix in fact a 102 yo. neighbour! Several Aus$. prices are up at MicroZed by the way- 40X1 now Aus$19, 40X2 Aus$21 with 28X1 now Aus$18, 28X2 Aus$20.

20X2 $TBA, but anticipated Aus$12-$15. The only trouble with such cost effective processing horsepower is finding enough time in the day to get on top of it. As I'm sure even Dippy would agree, the 20X2 features make even old hands spoilt for choice - it's akin to inheriting a classy wine cellar.
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New Member
Several Aus$. prices are up at MicroZed by the way- 40X1 now Aus$19, 40X2 Aus$21 with 28X1 now Aus$18, 28X2 Aus$20.
20X2 $TBA, but anticipated Aus$12-$15..
Nice, I expected the newies to be more than that !!!.:D

And the 18x's have gone from $16 to $14.75, it takes some of the pain off Jaycars price increase on wireless thingy's :)


I think the X2s are a significant improvement. A step worth waiting for.
They've made writing smarter programmes easy.

It's just like inheriting a classy winecellar.
Yay! The X2s at last... now perhaps many of my ideas will be possible with a PICAXE... although I was surprised by the feature differences between the different voltage parts...


Ex-Staff (retired)
Yes; dropping a "K" into the Microchip device code changes more than just the operating voltage !

That's a Microchip engineering decision which we have no control over. I don't know what the rationale is for 18Fxxyy and 18FxxKyy parts having different internal configurations of peripherals.