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  1. Gramps

    Generating code with ChatGPT

    This short video from really sums up the robot AI system requirements.
  2. Gramps

    Generating code with ChatGPT

    Russia is littered with old RTGs. Yes! Read about this some time ago.
  3. Gramps

    Generating code with ChatGPT

    The problem I see with general use robots is not brains but batteries! Boston Dynamics posted a 37 second demo of their new robot. Very impressive, but I think the battery would only last 60 seconds hence a very short video.
  4. Gramps

    How to return the Editor to default settings?

    Discovered!! Changed the status from "floating" to "dock-able."
  5. Gramps

    Hippy Version 3.0

    Which one did you have?
  6. Gramps

    How to return the Editor to default settings?

    The work space editor and the simulation block are floating on top of the code page blocking the view. How to return them to the default positions? Gramps
  7. Gramps

    New Ultrasonic Sensor Board

    A real low-tech answer to a problem. Fastening one of these guys near the body of the robots forklift so we can see how close to the load we are. And monitor the output using the overhead camera 😂
  8. Gramps

    Hippy Version 3.0

    Hippy, many thanks from the slowest student on the forum. You've been such a help to me over the years! Glad to hear you still intend to tinker. Gramps
  9. Gramps

    Where do I need to download PE6 from ?

    Yes I tried some of that "working code" I don't know where it works but it sure doesn't work on the editor!
  10. Gramps

    Windows 11 update

    Glad to see the Picaxe Editor still runs on the new windows 11 update! 😎
  11. Gramps

    Toy Servo Control Question:

    I'm looking for a "pan tilt" for my Rover, something sturdy and weatherproof but not costing an arm and a leg.
  12. Gramps

    Has anybody got a Picaxe to read/write serial RAM using SDI or SQI mode ?

    Tell me about it! Especially since I retired a year ago.
  13. Gramps

    Verification error

    Thanks to all that helped with the software! Three (RC) channel 60 amp brushed motor controller for less than 100 bucks!
  14. Gramps

    Verification error Waterproof cover
  15. Gramps

    Verification error Hardware is assembled 😎
  16. Gramps

    Verification error

    .1uf cap Yes and yes. Same micro, same power supply and same download jack. The only difference was, when the micro got moved to the proto board, the capacitor was still on the breadboard!
  17. Gramps

    Verification error

    A capacitor across the power supply successfully fixed the problem 😃 Thanks so much to everybody who joined in to debug this problem.
  18. Gramps

    Verification error

    The 0.1 UF caps are still on my breadboard! This very same chip loaded this program perfectly on the breadboard before I installed it on the proto board.