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  1. K

    Formatting post:try2

    Without code tags: let PinsB = %10000000 'B.4 Energised B.7? pause w2 let PinsB = %11000000 'B.4,B.5 Energised B.7,B.6? pause w2 let PinsB = %01000000 'B.5 Energised B.6? pause w2 let PinsB = %01100000 'B.5,B.6 Energised...
  2. K

    Formatting post: try1

    Here's post #2 of "Advice required re Bipolar Stepper motors", cut and pasted as is. The 1's and 0's have miraculously gone back to where they should be! Will they still be there after posting? Here goes.... #PICAXE08M2 ; Drives a bipolar stepper motor using two PICAXE outputs, an L293D driver...
  3. K

    Video link test

    Draw a seashell with a potentiometer
  4. K


    Hi, Ages ago I bought a TVR010 Picaxe infra-red remote control. It has to be programmed to send Sony code, which leads me to think other codes are possible. Does anyone know what codes are possible and what buttons to press to program them?
  5. K

    Test vidéo

    Just to see if it works.... ESP-M3+Picaxe 20X2
  6. K

    adcsetup on 20X2 [Solved]

    Hi, What should I set adcsetup to in order to use ADC3 (pin C.7) on a 20X2? There's no ADC0 so is it %00001000 (my bet), or %00000100? Thanks.
  7. K

    Image try

  8. K

    Oops! We ran into some problems.

    The requested page could not be found. In the Blog Archive, "View attachment XXXXX" doesn't work. If I can still post, you must have a problem.
  9. K


    /* RASPBERRY PI One-Page LoRa TRANSMITTER * * AI Ra-01_V1.0 Semtech SX1278 * * LoRa Pi * 3.3V 3.3V Red * GND GND Black * SCK SCLK Yellow * MOSI MOSI Green * MISO MISO Orange * NSS CE0 White *...
  10. K


    /* ARDUINO One-Page LoRa TRANSMITTER * * AI Ra-01_V1.0 Semtech SX1278 ****** NOT BREADBOARD FRIENDLY !!!! ****** * * Powered from computer usb or phone charger via FTDI module with jumper at 3.3V * * LoRa Arduino * 3.3V VCC THREE POINT THREE VOLTS ...
  11. K


    #PICAXE 20X2 'One-Page-LoRa-Receiver.bas #TERMINAL 9600 #no_data #no_table 'AI LoRa module Ra-01_V1.0 Semtech SX1278. NOT BREADBOARD FRIENDLY !!!!! 'Power supply: 3.3V from computer USB via FTDI module ' 'LoRa Colour Picaxe...
  12. K


    Reçus la semaine dernière: XL1276-DO1. Compatibles avec les AI Ra-01 ET la planche à pain. L'antenne est minable, si on pète à coté, elle pète aussi. Les pattes ne sont pas fournies...
  13. K


    /* RASPBERRY PI LoRa RECEIVER * * Uses a push button to leave the endless listening loop so the program will continue and clean up. * Also uses current-limiting resistors to protect your Pi from you :) * * AI Ra-01_V1.0 Semtech SX1278 NOT BREADBOARD FRIENDLY !!! * * LoRa Pi *...
  14. K

    Pour aller (beaucoup) plus loin-T.bas

    BONNE ANNEE! Les modules LoRa Ra01 de AI ne sont pas faits pour être utilisés avec une "planche à pain". L'intrus du post précédent. N'importe quel module à base de SX1278 avec interface SPI fera l'affaire. J'ai pris le moins cher. #PICAXE 20X2 'One-Page-LoRa-Transmit.bas #TERMINAL...
  15. K

    Pour aller (beaucoup) plus loin

    BONNE ANNEE! Les modules LoRa Ra01 de AI ne sont pas faits pour être utilisés avec une "planche à pain". L'intrus du post précédent. N'importe quel module à base de SX1278 avec interface SPI fera l'affaire. J'ai pris le moins cher. #PICAXE 20X2 'One-Page-LoRa-Transmit.bas #TERMINAL...
  16. K

    Pour aller (un peu) plus loin

    L'équipe au grand complet. Trouvez l'intrus. Pour les "moustaches", c'est par ici: Un bout de scotch pour regrouper les fils vous rendra la vie plus façile (plaque "T"). On m'a dit que le wi-fi utilise les 13 premiers canaux de fréquences...
  17. K

    nrf24 Transmitter (ter)

    /* PI TRANSMITTER * * PiB+ or Pi2 (with bcm2836) * Power supply : Anything that gives you 5V and 1 Amp or more * Pin numbering system : Broadcom * Requires the bcm2835 library, available here: * * Follow the instructions to...
  18. K

    nrf24 Transmitter (bis)

    /* ARDUINO TRANSMITTER * * Arduino Pro Mini 328 5V/16MHz * Power supply:3.3V from computer USB or phone charger, via FTDI. * * NRF Arduino * Pin Colour Pin * 1 Black GND * 2 Red 3.3V THREE POINT THREE !!!.!!! * 3...
  19. K

    nrf24 Receiver (ter)

    'RECEIVER (nrf24_Receiver.bas) 'Power supply: 3.3V from computer USB or phone charger via FTDI = 'no 5V, phantom or otherwise, to fry nrf 'Inverter levels RX / TX : 74HCT04 '1 GND Black GND '2 VCC Red VCC THREE point THREE volts !!!.!!! '3 CE Brown B.1...
  20. K

    nrf24 Receiver (bis)

    /* ARDUINO RECEIVER * * Arduino Pro Mini 328 5V/16MHz * Power supply:3.3V from computer USB via FTDI. * * NRF Arduino * Pin Colour Pin * 1 Black GND * 2 Red 3.3V THREE POINT THREE !!!.!!! * 3 Brown 7...